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Bio-Chem Korea that we will be committed to the environment and health.
Thanks to the innovative evolution of the 21st century civilized life is enriched lives of many cultures enjoy yigireul according to the development of science and technology. However, if the positive reality will also follow a lot of side effects. Particularly in the environmental field there are signs appeared one after another catastrophe, which can reach up steps that threaten the survival of the entire human race. Following the former SAAS, avian influenza, which is the world Judging look at the phenomenon of the recent disaster in 2009. For years mankind has set driven by the fear that the swine flu epidemic for. So-called, be it a counter-attack of the virus it would not be an exaggeration. "BiochemKOREA" has developed a specialized disinfection materials harmless to the human body in hopes that you want to protect from food poisoning, bacterial infections are common in everyday life and to protect people from diseases such as plague safely and. I promise to mankind is committed to continue with your day to become safe from attacks from viruses grown into a company with a competitive edge.